Many people who suffer from anxiety have an Inner dialogue that holds them back, creates anxious thoughts and keeps them stuck. Learn how to turn this mind chatter off and turn it into your biggest supporter - inner cheerleader.
A mini course made up of 12 lessons - easy to follow exercises and strategies you can start using today.
It’s the mind’s job to solve problems, and if there aren’t any problems to solve, it creates problems to solve. This is part of the reason the mind seems so loud. But beneath the noise of the mind, is the serenity of the inner voice. The inner voice is always present, but you may need some tools in order to access the positive wisdom it has.

This Course is for you if you:
- Constantly second-guess yourself
- Can’t seem to quiet the noise and chaos of the mind.
- Find yourself turning to friends, family and colleagues for advice instead of trusting your inner voice for guidance
- Can’t tell the difference between the mind and the inner voice
- can't control negative inner speech
- Catastrophising thoughts leading nowhere