How To STOP Living With Anxiety And Love Your Life A Lot More
What if there was an easy 12 week process that you could go through and end up living your life, anxiety free?
It’s true… There’s a new and different way for you to Break free from anxiety.
It’s called Wellness Mindset Mastery. And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of how it gets to the root of anxiety by rewiring your mindset and hacking your Nervous system. And as you’ll see, it is easy to follow the step by step process and in 12 weeks you will be living a different life.
Best part of all, it doesn’t require you to spend a lot of time or money. And you can start seeing results from the first module regardless of whether you have been battling for years or decades.
So, if you want to break free from anxiety, you want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.

A client once said to me, "you only live once, and I have lived my whole life in fear. I really want to be able to live life and enjoy it just for once." The effects of untreated anxiety can’t be put any more succinctly than that.
A few years ago – while I was working in Melbourne – a client named Ethan came to me for help. Ethan was in bad shape, and had actually only come to see me because his wife pretty much dragged him to my office.
I could see straight away that he desperately needed a hand, and it was a good thing his first appointment with me was the last of the day – we ended up taking an hour longer than scheduled!
Ethan’s anxiety had really gotten the better of him, sinking its hooks into nearly every aspect of his life. At home, in the workplace and even in everyday social situations, keeping it together was a real struggle for him. The smallest things were putting him on edge, making him feel useless, hopeless and really unable to cope. He felt lost and alone, even with his devoted wife beside him.
It was all too much of a strain for him to take.
Though he was very nervous when we started, once our session had ended Ethan turned to me with a look of calm on his face – a change that I’ll never forget – and told me that for the first time in as long he could remember, his mind was finally still. Not only was he no longer anxious, but the pain in his chest and the thumping headache that had followed him around constantly for weeks had also finally lifted.
He didn’t know why the psychiatrist he’d been seeing – for three 45-minute sessions at $350 a go – hadn’t spoken to him about any of the things that we’d discussed. They just wanted to medicate him, he said. I told him that I’d be a little annoyed, too, if I’d spent $1050 and not made any shifts. Imagine that!
Ethan didn’t want to take drugs to manage his problems, but was on the verge of giving in as he didn’t think there was any other option. That was before his wife took him to see me – and he discovered with a smile that there was another option.

Let Me Take you by the hand
I’m Dov Phillips, owner of the Inspiring Wellness clinic and author of two books "How To Break Free From Anxiety" and "Wellness Words". I have helped hundreds of people transform their lives.
So I could help more people, I've taken all the exercises and strategies I was doing in practice and made this easy to follow online course - Wellness Mindset Mastery!
THIS Online COURSE rewires YOUR mindset!
Anxiety can be a strange beast. Being a general term, you’ll often find two people who suffer from anxiety describing their experiences and struggles as though they’re facing two completely different conditions.
Some people have panic attacks while others never get them. Some people shut down in crowded social situations while others struggle more with smaller scale interaction. Some may always have a constant sense of nervousness or worry, while others think they’re doing just fine until, out of the blue, they’re sweating... or caught in a full-blown panic attack.
But no matter the trigger, these are all cases of anxiety. The majority of anxiety problems are actually caused by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged, intense stress.
It can, on occasion, arise from a number of medical conditions, for example pernicious anaemia or coeliac disease, or even head trauma or drug use and withdrawal.
Anxiety is also common in people suffering from mental illness – though it is important to note that I do not believe that anxiety, in most of the cases that we come across, is a mental illness in itself. Rather, it’s a nervous system phenomenon. This is a key factor in your recovery, and I’ll tell you more about that later....
When you LEARN and MASTER the skills of how to use the exercises in this course and change your mindset, you take that skill with you wherever you go!
The majority of courses offer you tools to cope or manage anxiety, to be honest most people are already doing that by themselves, they have worked out ways to put on a brave face, avoid situations and pretend everything is okay.
You’re already coping or managing…and it doesn’t work for long, it’s exhausting and eventually you will burn out and then you can’t even help yourself let alone the ones around you who rely on you - family, friends and work obligations.

One of the biggest challenges with anxiety is how it begins to consume and take over your thought space. Some people get to the point where it's ALWAYS there. Far worse than an uninvited guest who won't leave!
Your not going to rid yourself from anxiety without putting in effort and making changes that's the truth....
“emotional because I was finally getting the help I knew I always needed but was too afraid to ask for."
“It was a difficult time for me. Life threw multiple curve balls my way and I had reached a low point - a place I’d never visited before. But with your support, I soon began to feel myself being pulled from the dark and into a place of light and contentment. I was finally beginning to feel a little bit more myself and was looking forward to the journey ahead, and boy what a journey it was! ”
TV Presenter
And then there is Joshua A Football Coach, Who not only changed his life but is helping transform the lives of the kids he coaches...
“I remember having anxiety from a very young age and as I got older it turned into depression. One of the only strategies I had was to pretend I was someone else.”

The Simple Step-by-Step, 12 Week online course for Eliminating Your anxiety...

- 12 Modules: Every Week a new module with several short easy to watch videos full of insights and exercises which break down - How you think/overthink, what to focus on, it looks at the questions you ask yourself daily and how they determine your quality of life.
- Powerful exercises and mindful strategies that if you get up and physically do, bring them into everyday life. These will become your greatest tools for life. The mind will learn to default to your new ways of thinking and become on auto pilot with positivity instead of stuck.
- To use alongside the videos is a workbook so you can bring it all into everyday practice.
- We are with you for the Journey, literally email in your questions or stucky moments and a real person is there to help (often straight away). We also want to be there to celebrate the success moments too!!
...because you (and your future self) deserve the best!
**Get Started Today**It’s time to give your health and wellbeing (and life ) the attention it deserves! Just like it’s done for our past clients:
"I Thought i could never have a positive thought again "
”I implemented the exact same strategies that Dov taught in this training and I was able to feel confident again. There were so many moments in the webinars where Dov just flipped my thoughts around, made me start thinking a different way”

“I first met Dov when I was too scared to contemplate the future and was continually looking over my shoulder at the past. I was trapped in fear. Before meeting Dov I had tried many other approaches to work through the anxiety, most of which suppressed it just increasing the fear. Meeting with Dov was different. His connectedness, optimism , understanding, belief in me and non judgmental approach – and many practical strategies assisted me greatly in shifting the beliefs and thought patterns that had taken over my life. If you have the opportunity to cross paths with this inspiring man, be prepared because your life will never be the same again.(*)!”
Early Childhood Teacher
SEE what's waiting for you inside once you sign up…
Detailed video webinars, strategies, daily exercises & a downloadable workbook for each of the 12 Modules!

Week 1:
The Wellness Shift:
My own powerful concept that will shift your thinking. Learn why focusing on symptoms can amplify them, and how moving away from managing anxiety can eliminate it.
Every great recipe is made up of a list of ingredients... take a cake for example! Forget even one ingredient (like the sugar) and the cake is ruined! That’s how the Wellness Mindset Mastery works!
Wellness Mindset Mastery was originally filmed as a live webinar series over 12 weeks but then people said how much they got from it. We decided we could help more people rid themselves of this debilitating unwanted feeling. People we would normally turn away as they lived outside of NZ, we could now help.
We re-filmed it, turned it into a full course, breaking down each week and deep diving into each section. Plus we included all the original full live webinars as a bonus too, so that you can hear the questions asked and hear how Dov answers them firsthand.
Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to simply follow the videos and exercises for each section now it has been broken down into bite size!
We have had people all over the world do our course and transform their lives.
Below is a Sneak-Peak at some of the Sections That You’ll Find inside Wellness Mindset Mastery:
- The Wellness Shift
- Focus For Happiness By Design
- Let the Symptoms be just Symptoms
- The anxiety Funnel
- Projecting Fear The Critic
- "What if" thinking and certainty
- Find and Amplify Your Trust
- Your Future Timeline
- Planting Wellness Seeds in Your Timeline
- When You think about possibilities connected to feeling unwell
- Future hasn't happened but we find ourselves feeling...
- Embodied Metaphor
- Notice your posture...
You’re not just getting a few “exercises” I’m giving you everything
you need to break free from Your ANXIETY!

Week 4:
Define Yourself
Identifying with anxiety, can become your identity. Learn how to separate yourself from problems and challenges, and find the freedom to just be you.
Get inside my brain! I've been working with clients for over 13 years and learnt many different techniques and attended many courses over the years. My approach to anxiety is different than most?!, I don't go by a book and that's why I get results.
In this course we delve into taking the inner critic we have and making it a supporter.
Living with fear vs living with trust.
Learn how to eliminate the what-ifs, identify future-based thinking, and cultivate the opposite of fear.
We get you to physically shift your wellness!

you'll discover...
Including: looking at your limiting beliefs and turning everyday problems into next level problems so you can start seeing it through a different lense. - HOW VITAL THE WAY YOU IDENTIFY WITH ANXIETY IS
actually holding you back or even keeping you stuck! - THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT
Illness or Wellness Future and understanding where you putting your energy. - HOW TO GET UNSTUCK.

Week 8:
The Meaning You Give...
Certainty is addictive, but it can keep you stuck. Become conscious of this, and learn a strategy that will set you free.
"It’s Not Just Enough to watch the videos.. you have to get up and do the exercises, embody the strategies!
This is not a course you just watch the videos and your anxiety disappears via osmosis, you do need to take into daily life the strategies and use them. This course is designed to put you back in control so as you do the exercises, you are rewiring your mindset and default patterns you have been locked into for so long.
"Nuerons that fire together - Wire together".
Inside Wellness MIndset Mastery, I walk you through...
- Simple-to-follow concepts that can be used in everyday settings. Be empowered because you have the tools.
- Become aware of your breathe, posture and energy.
- Ways to change your future timeline - start looking forward to things rather than making excuses how not to attend a party/meeting or event.
Because it Takes Mind and Body:
Hacking The Parasympathetic Nervous System

Most of the functions of the nervous system are unconscious, automatic. We don’t have to think about breathing, for example, or concentrate on keeping our heart beating. These things happen by themselves, controlled by a part of the nervous system called the “Autonomic Nervous System” (ANS).
This has two parts: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic. These are two different collections of nerves that travel to the same body parts, but have opposite functions.
The built-in survival mechanism that the sympathetic nervous system gives us is a fantastic, and effective, short term response. As soon as the stressful situation is resolved, the parasympathetic division should take over once more and return us to a relaxed state...
... but if we’re in an environment where we are continually stressed, our bodies remain stuck in the responsive sympathetic mode – we cannot become relaxed.
When stressed for an extended period of time, the “plastic” nature of the nervous system leads to undesirable changes. When you continuously have a certain experience – such as being stressed or anxious – it becomes much easier to have this response again and again. The brain becomes used to it, and adapts so that it can more quickly and easily move into that mode.
Just like a bodybuilder uses repetition to condition and develop their muscles towards performing a certain function – lifting heavy weights – when repeatedly exposed to stressful situations, your nervous system conditions itself to always expect to have to respond immediately.
This Exercise we suggest a 21 day challenge to do this everyday so you can change your default response.
- Mind Body Breathing Technique
You can use anywhere! - Daily check in...
for when things feel all too much or just disconnected! - Easy to Follow instructions
Literally watch and follow along!
And Check out These Transformations!
"I am able to get myself into a positive place"

"This course is f@#%ing amazing, excuse the language." My wife even confessed this week that this last month I have been someone completely different.
“Better with work pressure, better with her and better with my son. Nothing phases me like it used to”
Personal Trainer

"Still making breakthroughs!"
"Starting to see the Anxiety word as a gift rather than a burden has helped me so much. Giving it a positive meaning in my life, something that was necessary for me to feel fulfilled in life, has completely changed my perspective on the situation. Gaining way more confidence back. One more week to go on the course but i am going to go back over it all, and get even more out of it. Thanks for everything it's been life changing"

You get to Take Everything You Learn With You For Life- It's Yours Forever!
People always ask me what is your success rate with the course and I reply amazing!!, the small few who have not had transformations is because they thought if they just do a little bit or do half the course the anxiety will magically go. But it's not that easy…
Just like only taking half of an antibiotic treatment or doing one push up and saying it’s not working, it is not worthwhile to only put in 50% effort in the course - You need to do the exercises and use the workbook.
So that leads me to how much the investment is to start this course…
Wellness Mindset Mastery is a $540 investment. At that price, it’s a no-brainer. Why? Because if you implemented just a FEW of my strategies and changes, you would of spent less than the price of several visits with a psychologist/Psychiatrist.. and most importantly reclaimed your life and that's priceless!
Plus, you can rest easy knowing I’ve taken out ALL the risk!

That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know investing in your health and wellbeing will help improve your life, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…
"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”
Well… that’s simple. Try it and know you have A 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE